*RELIC/EMP* Gjallahorn(99)Daurdabla/Ukonvasara/Twashtar(90) Mithra Full NeoNyzle, Salvage+1, VW Bodies, INSANE ACCOUNT!
Mithra Blonde Hair
Sandy Rank 10
Reg Codes: YES
OO Info: ALL INFO YES + Photo ID
Server Xfer is DOWN until 7/2/2013 (Bismarck)
Zilart: Complete!
Promathia: Complete!
ToAU: Complete!
Assault: FL
WoTG: Complete!
Campaign: Medal of Altana
C.Prophecy: The Echo Awakens
A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Drenched!
A Shantotto Ascension: Complete!
Abyssea: Vision/Scars/Hereos Purchased + SHINRYU Access
Nyzul: FLOOR 100
Dynamis: All Access
300k in misc sellables
Noteable Melee Rare/EX
Twashtar Lv.90 "Rudra's Storm"
Ukonvasara Lv.90 "Ukko's Fury"
Phorcys Set 5/5
Thaumas Set 5/5
Tessera Saio
Athos's Set 4/5
Rubeus Set 4/5
Toci's Harness
Mekira Meikogai
Kudzu Aketon
Monster Jackcoat +2 [Trial 4995]
Assassin's Armlets +2 [Enhances Perfect Dodge]
Twilight Belt
Twilight Helm
Twilight Torque
Twilight Mail
Twilight Knife
Charis Set +2 5/5
Charis Feather
Charis Earring
Ravager's Set +2 5/5
Ravager's Orb
Ravager's Earring
Raider's Set +2 5/5
Raider's Boomerang
Raider's Earring
Ferine Set +2 3/5
Ferine Necklace
Ferine Mantle
Iga Set +2 5/5
Iga Erimaki
Iga Dochugappa
Iga Mimikazari
Creed Baudrier
Fajin Boots
Danzo Sune-ate
Tandava Crackows
Aliyat Chakram
Ogier's Set 3/5
Gibbous Axe
Wanion Belt
Phasmida Belt
Atheling Mantle
Homam Set 3/5
Love Torque
Hope Torque
Fortitude Torque
Torero Torque
Brutal Earring
Stratagema Knife
Epona's Ring
Blustery Dagger
Supernal Knife
Lux Pugio
Hecatomb Set 4/5
Main Gauche
Charmer's Merlin
Zelus Tiara
Goading Belt
Ocelot Trousers
Ocelot Gloves
Arbuda Grip
Archon Cape
Archon Ring
Shadow Mantle
Shadow Ring
Boxer's Mantle
Glyph Axe
Byakko's Haidate [Store TP+3, Res.Sleep+1, Crit.hit Dmg+3%]
Velocious Belt
Gleaming Zaghnal [HP+8, MP+13]
Moonshade Earring [Acc+4, Latent:Regain+1]
Soil Belt
Rajas Ring
WAR AF2 1/6
DNC AF2 4/6
THF AF2 2/6
SAM AF2 1/6
NIN AF2 5/6
Noteable Mage Rare/EX
Gjallarhorn Lv.99
Daurdabla Lv. 90
Nares Set 5/5
Marduk's Tiara +1
Marduk's Shalwar +1
Hyaline Hat
Hedera Cotehardie
Heka's Kalasiris
Cleric's Pantaloons +2 [Enhances Shellra V]
Duelist's Chapeau +2 [Trial 4974]
Twilight Cape
Orison Set +2 5/5
Orison Cape
Orison Earring
Goetia Set +2 5/5
Goetia Mantle
Estoqueur's Set +2 5/5
Estoqueur's Collar
Estoqueur's Cape
Estoqueur's Earring
Aoidos' Set +2 5/5
Aoido's Matinee
Aoidos' Earring
Caller's Set +2 2/5
Caller's Set +1 3/5
Caller's Pendant
Caller's Earring
Savant's Set +2 5/5
Savant's Chain
Savant's Treatise
Savant's Earring
Mavi Tathlum
Tatsumaki Stagoromo [Movement Speed +8%, Elemental Syphon +20]
Blood Cuisses
Augur's Jaseran
Augur's Gloves
Augur's Brais
Merciful Cape
Genbu's Shield [Cure Pot+4%, Cure Spellcasting -6%]
Marduk's Set 3/5
Portent Pants
Serpentes Cuffs
Serpentes Sabots
Nashira Seraweels
Kirin's Pole [DMG+22, Enhancing+12]
Yingyang Robe
Anhur Robe
Felibre's Dague
Gifted Earring
Evoker's Ring
Morrigan's Pigaches
Phalaina Locket
Siegel Sash
Strophadic Earring
Hecate's Earring
Loquac. Earring
Musical Earring
Strendu Ring
Karka Ring
Diamond Ring [INT+2]
Diamond Ring [INT+2, Res.Silence+2, Spell Int Down 5%]
Carbuncle Mitts
Warlock's Chapeau +1
Warlock's Tabard +1
Evoker's Pigaches +1
WHM AF2 1/6
BLM AF2 3/6
RDM AF2 3/6
BRD AF2 1/6
SMN AF2 3/6
BLU AF2 4/6
SCH AF2 5/6
Emperion Upgrade Items:
{All EMP upgardes}
AF3+2 Upgrade Items:
Voyage Stone
Voyage Card
Wieldance Stone x9
Ardor Stone x7
Ardor Stone x12
Ardor Card x3
Balance Jewel
Balance Stone
Balance Card x3
AF3+1 Misc. upgrades:
Salvage +1 Upgrade Pieces:
Salvage Ingredients:
Deed of Placidity x33
Nexus Cape
Beastman Seals: 2
Kindred Seals: 26
Kindred Crests: 85
High-Kindred Crests: 46
15 HP
12 STR
10 DEX
8 Great Katana
8 Great Axe
8 Dagger
4 Staff
4 Evasion
8 Elemental
8 Enhancing
8 Ninjitsu
5 Crit. Hit
5 Enemy Crit. Down
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
5 Ruinator
5 Blade:Shun
5 Exenterator
Cruor: 1,253,623
Traverser Stone: 1,515
3/3 Lunar Abyssites
Abyssite of Discernment: Yes
Abyssite of Cosmos: Yes
5/6 Sojourn
3/3 Celerity
2/3 Avarice
2/3 Confluence
2/3 Expertise
3/3 Fortune
2/3 Kismet
1/3 Prosperity
3/3 Destiny
3/3 Acumen
4/9 Lenity
3/3 Perspicacity
3/3 Reaper
1/3 Guedron
2/3 Furtherance
4/6 Merit
NM Key Items
Voidwatch Stones: 50
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Jade Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
White Stratum Abyssite Tier 6
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Tier 3
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
Amber Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
3/3 Periapt of Emergence
1/1 Periapt of Guidance
1/1 Periapt of Percipience
1/1 Periapt of Sapience
1/1 Periapt of Clarity
2/2 Concord
2/2 Catalysis
2/2 Exploration
3/3 Frontiers
2/2 Concentration
2/2 Glory
2/2 Focus
2/2 Intensity
2/2 Readiness
2/2 Adaptability
2/2 Vigilance
2/2 Prudence
Enriched Atmacites:
Provenance Lv.15
Devotion Lv.15
Enticement Lv.13
Unity Lv.3
Skyblaze Lv.14
Assassin Lv.9
Aplomb Lv.2
Preservation Lv.12
tldr& Wow 99 Ghorn the one relic still INSANELY awesome after the update!, 90 Emp Harp, Ukon and Twashtar, Salvage +1 gear(first account I have offered with upgraded salvage+1), Full Nares/Phoryc/Thaumas. Gobs of af3+2 and Voidwatch rare/ex with bodies, af2+2+augment,Tons of enrichment, missions almost all complete. This is a KILLER mithra, this would make an awesome main or the best mule ever.
extremly profesional, clearly show hes done this multip..
Does great work and be fast because the characters sell..
I have bought and sold 5 times with Neo. It is always a..