*MYTHIC/RELIC* Burtgang(90)Aegis(95) Hume Hughin, VW bodies/Legion rare/ex, Full TH, 100 Smithing 80Synergy WOW
Hume Male Brown Hair
Sandy Rank 10
Reg Codes: NO
Server Xfer is Available
Zilart: Complete!
Promathia: Complete!
ToAU: Complete!
Assault: FL
WoTG: Adieu, Lilisette
Campaign: Medal of Altana
C.Prophecy: Complete!
A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Unpurchased
A Shantotto Ascension: Unpurchased
Abyssea: Vision/Scars/Hereos Purchased + SHINRYU Access
Nyzul: FLOOR 0
Dynamis: All Access
Seekers of Adoulin: PURCHASED: Arciela Appears Again
650k in misc sellables
Noteable Melee Rare/EX
Aegis Lv.95 [Trial 4453]
Burtgang Lv.90 "Atonement" [Trial 3102]
Utilis Shield [Trial 4397]
Huginn Haubert [MDB+6]
Mextli Harness
Karieyh Moufles
Ogier's Breeches
Athos's Tights
Athos's Chapeau
Toci's Harness
Myrmex Mittens
Kheper Kecks
Pitchfork +1
Thurandaul Gloves [HP+40, MP+40]
Valor Surcoat +2
Valor Leggings +2
Valor Coronet +2
Koga Tekko +2
Assassin's Armlets +2 [Enhances Perfect Dodge]
Twilight Helm
Twilight Mail
Twilight Knife
Twilight Belt
Creed Set +2 5/5
Creed Collar
Creed Baudrier
Raider's Set +2 5/5
Raider's Boomerang
Ravager's Set +2 5/5
Ravager's Orb
Ravager's Earring
Tantra Tathlum
Lancer's Pelerine
Iga Set +2 5/5
Iga Erimaki
Charis Set +2 5/5
Charis Feather
Charis Necklace
Fajin Boots
Tandava Crackows
Danzo Sune-ate
Arisui [DEX+11, Acc+16]
Arisui [STR+11, Atk+22]
Houyi's Gorget
Uther's Grip
Gibbous Axe
Coalition Shield
Ganesha's Mask
Augur's Jaseran
Seigneur Shield
Byakko's Haidate [Mag.Acc+4, Store TP+4, Crit. Hit Damage +4%]
Lux Pugio
Goading Belt
Boxer's Mantle
Mercenary's Mantle
Sanus Ensis
Fortitude Torque
Phasmida Belt
Atheling Mantle
Cerberus Mantle +1 [DEX+2]
Brutal Earring
Ethereal Earring
Corbenic Sword
Hoarfrost Blade
Homam Manopolas
Homam Cosciales
Homam Corazza
Ares' Mask
Ares' Cuirass
Ares' Flanchard
Askar Set 5/5
Iron Ram Hose
Iron Ram Greaves
Rajas Ring
Patronus Ring
Bomb Queen Ring
Bloodbead Ring
Royal Knight Sigil Ring
Valor Gauntlets +1
Valor Breeches +1
Warrior's Lorica +1
Koga Hakama +1
Gallant Leggings +1
DRG AF2 1/6
DNC AF2 2/6
WAR AF2 2/6
MNK AF2 4/6
THF AF2 3/6
PLD AF2 2/6
DRK AF2 2/6
BST AF2 4/6
RNG AF2 2/6
NIN AF2 3/6
DRG AF2 4/6
COR AF2 3/6
PUP AF2 4/6
Noteable Mage Rare/EX
Orison Mitts +1
Caller's Pendant
Mavi Tathlum
Phalaina Locket
Crimson Cuisses [VIT+6, Evasion+3, Fast Cast+2]
Crimson Scale Mail [Acc+5, Haste+1]
Loquac. Earring
Nashira Turban
BRD AF2 3/6
WHM AF2 3/6
BLM AF2 4/6
SMN AF2 1/6
BLU AF2 3/6
SCH AF2 1/6
RDM AF2 4/6
Emperion Upgrade Items:
Iron Plate x3
Orthrus's Claw x19
Alfard's Fang x2
AF3+2 Upgrade Items:
Voyage Card x4
Vision Coin
Ardor Stone x14
Ardor Card x4
Ardor Jewel
Wieldance Stone x3
Wieldance Coin
Wieldance Jewel
Balance Stone
Balance Jewel
AF3+1 Misc. upgrades:
Blacksmith's Smock
Smithy's Mitts
Chef's Hat
Blacksmith's Belt 24/25
Smith's Ring
Craftkeeper's Ring
Craftmaster's Ring
Beastman Seals: 27
Kindred Seals: 24
Kindred Crests: 58
High-Kindred Crests: 48
15 HP
12 STR
12 DEX
8 Dagger
8 Sword
4 Katana
4 Evasion
4 Shield
4 Parrying
8 Divine
8 Healing
8 Enhancing
8 Ninjitsu
5 Crit. Hit
5 Enmity Increase
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
5 Upheaval
5 Requiescat
5 Upheaval
Cruor: 1,339,818
Traverser Stone: 704
3/3 Lunar Abyssites
Abyssite of Discernment: Yes
Abyssite of Cosmos: Yes
4/6 Sojourn
1/3 Celerity
2/3 Avarice
2/3 Confluence
2/3 Expertise
3/3 Fortune
1/3 Kismet
1/3 Prosperity
2/3 Destiny
3/3 Acumen
2/9 Lenity
1/3 Perspicacity
2/3 Reaper
1/3 Guedron
1/3 Furtherance
4/6 Merit
NM Key Items
Voidwatch Stones: 618
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Jade Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
White Stratum Abyssite Tier 6
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Tier 3
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite Tier 1
Amber Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
3/3 Periapt of Emergence
1/1 Periapt of Guidance
1/1 Periapt of Percipience
1/1 Periapt of Sapience
1/1 Periapt of Clarity
1/2 Concord
2/2 Catalysis
2/2 Exploration
3/3 Frontiers
2/2 Concentration
2/2 Glory
2/2 Focus
2/2 Intensity
2/2 Readiness
2/2 Adaptability
1/2 Vigilance
2/2 Prudence
Enriched Atmacites:
Valiant Lv.15
Deluges Lv.15
Solipsist Lv.15
Onslaught Lv.10
Provenance Lv.7
tldr& Ultra rare Mythic weapon account. First one I have sold in over a year! These accounts DO NOT come up very often. Burtang + Aegis combo is a game changer. Very Very decked out Paladin. Legion gear, VW Pro, and 100 craft with Synergy. Super pimp account
extremly profesional, clearly show hes done this multip..
Does great work and be fast because the characters sell..
I have bought and sold 5 times with Neo. It is always a..