*RLC/DLV/EMP* Mandau/Annhi/Bura/Bearvr/Ophidan/BBAxe/5emps Hume Yaoyotl, Ebisu, Miknaak, BB, Armada, Neo Nyzle, Orvail Robe
Hume Male Blonde Hair
Sandy Rank 10
Reg Codes: YES
Server Xfer is Available
Zilart: Sky Access
Promathia: Complete!
ToAU: Teahouse Tumult
Assault: SM
WoTG: Wings of Integrity
Campaign: Moonlight Medal
C.Prophecy: Complete!
A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Drenched
A Shantotto Ascension: Complete!
Abyssea: Vision/Scars/Hereos Purchased + SHINRYU Access
Nyzul: FLOOR 0
Dynamis: All Access
Seekers of Adoulin: PURCHASED: Arciela Appears Again
300k in misc sellables
Noteable Melee Rare/EX
Mandau Lv.95 "Mercy Stroke"
Bereaver R.4 [1]Atk+9 [2]Acc+5
Ophidian Trident R.3 [1]Atk+9 [2]Acc+4
Bloodbath Axe
Halachuinic Sword
Rigor Baghnakhs
Surefire Arquebus R.1 [1]R.Acc+8
Almace Lv.85 "Chant du Cygne"
Kannagi Lv.85 "Blade:Hi"
Gandiva Lv.85 "Jishnu's Radiance"
Verethragna Lv.85 "Victory Smite"
Yaoyotl Helm
Annihilator [DMG+8 [Trial 1879]]
Armada Hauberk [Store TP+5, Dbl.Atk+1]
Black Belt
Thurandaut Chapeau
Karieyh Sollerets
Asperity Necklace
Mikinaak Breastplate
Mikinaak Gauntlets
Mikinaak Cuisses [1]Atk+12 [2]Acc+8 [3]STR+5
Manibozho Gloves
Manibozho Brais R.3 [1]R.Atk+9 [2] R.Acc+4
Manibozho Boots
Steelflash Earring
Bladeborn Earring
Heartseeker Earring
Wurrukatte Boots
Herja's Fork
Kudzu Aketon
Athos's Boots
Aketon Tights
Mekira Meikogai
Honed Tathlum
Hedera Cotehardie
Phorcys Set 5/5
Thaumas Set 5/5
Toci's Harness
Assassin's Armlets +2
Scout's Socks +2
Koga Tekko +2
Koga Hakama +2
Melee Gloves +2
Twilight Knife
Twilight Belt
Twilight Helm
Twilight Torque
Ravager's Set +2 5/5
Ravager's Orb
Ravager's Earring
Tantra Set +2 5/5
Tantra Tathlum
Tantra Earring
Raider's Set +2 5/5
Raider's Boomerang
Iga Set +2 5/5
Iga Erimaki
Iga Dochugappa
Lancer's Set +2 5/5
Lancer's Pelerine
Bale Set +2 3/5
Bale Earring
Charis Tights +2
Charis Tiara +1
Charis Necklace
Charis Feather
Navarch's Set +2 3/5
Navarch's Set +1 2/5
Navarch's Mantle
Navarch's Earring
Sylvan Set +2 4/5
SYlvan CHlamys
Sylvan Scarf
Unkai Set +2 4/5
Unkai Nodowa
Cirque Set +2 3/5
Cirque Cappello +1
Cirque Necklace
Fajin Boots
Danzu Sune-ate
Shura Haidate
Shura Zunari Kabuto
Shura Togi
Backlash Torque
Wanion Belt
Enkidu Harness
Enkidu Mittens
Byakko's Haidate
Suzaku's Sune-ate
Seiryu's Kote
Zoran's Belt
Kila +2 [DEX+9, Acc+15]
Triplus Dagger
Loki's Kaftan
Rapidus Sax
Oathkeeper [DMG+14 [Trial 1402]
Sekka +2 [AGI+9, Eva+20]
Ambusher's Hose
Genbu's Kabuto
Prudence TOrque
Faith Torque
Hope Torque
Love Torque
Torero Torque
Faith Baghnakhs
Homam Manopolas
Homam Corazza
Homam Cosciales
Askar Korazin
Denali Wristbands
Atheling Mantle
Zelus Tiara
Dark Ring [PDT-5%, MDT-3%, BDT -3%]
Dark Ring [PDT-5%, MDT-3%]
Lux Pugio
Aias Bonnet
Exequy Gun
Ungur Boomerang
Hecatomb Cap +1
Hecatomb Subligar +1
Hecatomb Harness
Hecatomb Leggings
Houyi's Gorget
Magoraga Beads
Brutal Earring
Optical Hat
Walahra Turban
Mirke Wardecors [R.Acc+10, R.Atk+10]
Schutzen Mittens
Aquiline Belt
Boxer's Mantle
Shirodachi [Atk+5 [Trial 647]]
Virtus Crossbow
Anguinus Belt
Terebellum Mantle
CLearview Earring
Pixie Earring
Epona's Ring
Agasaya's Collar
Chanoix Gorget
Phasmida Belt
Bullwhip Belt
Goading Belt
Ace's Leggings
Snow Belt
Flame Belt
Soil Belt
Breeze Belt
Shadow Belt
Light Belt
Soil Gorget
Flame Gorget
Rajas Ring
Luzaf's Ring
Rose Strap
Jelly Ring
Animator +1
Soboro Sukehiro
Myochin Kote +1
Ninja Tekko +1
Corsair's Bottes +1
Ninja Kyahan +1
Drachen Brais +1
Drachen Armet +1
WAR AF2 2/6
MNK AF2 5/6
THF AF2 2/6
PLD AF2 2/6
DRK AF2 1/6
BST AF2 2/6
RNG AF2 1/6
SAM AF2 1/6
NIN AF2 2/6
DRG AF2 1/6
COR AF2 6/6
PUP AF2 3/6
Noteable Mage Rare/EX
Orvail Robe
Lifestorm Earring
Nares Cuffs
Nares Clogs
Nares Trews
Goetia Set +2 5/5
Goetia Chain
Goetia Mantle
Estoqueur's Set +2 3/5
Estoqueur's Gantherots +1
Estoqueur's Cape
Estoqueur's Collar
Caller's Set +2 2/5
Caller's Set +1 3/5
Caller's Pendant
Aoidos' Matinee
Mavi Tayt +2
Mavi Tathlum
Duelist's Chapeau
Tatsumaki Sitagoromo [PDT-4%, Movement Speed +8%]
Zenith Crown
Zenith Mitts
Zenith Slacks
Crimson Cuisses
Crimson Finger Gauntlets
Crimson Greaves
Goliard Trews
Goliard Clogs
Soulsaber [Trial 167]
Genbu's Shield
Serpentes Cuffs
Serpentes Sabots
Hecate's Earring
Diamond Ring [INT+3, Spell Int. Rate - 4%]
Loquac. Earring
Strophadic Earring
Augur's Jaseran
Augur's Gloves
Gifted Earring
Hyorin Obi
Rairin Obi
Moldavite Earring
Carbuncles Mitts
Evoker's Earring
Duelist's Gloves +1
Warlock's Chapeau +1
WHM AF2 1/6
BLM AF2 2/6
RDM AF2 5/6
BRD AF2 1/6
SCH AF2 2/6
SMN AF2 5/6
Emperion Upgrade Items:
Dragua's Scale x36
Apademak's Hron x8
AF3+2 Upgrade Items:
Vision Coin x3
Vision Jewel x3
Vision Card x3
Voyage Card x2
Voyage Jewel
Voyage Stone x3
Voyage Coin x2
Ardor Card x4
Ardor Stone x10
Wieldance Card x8
Wieldance Jewel x2
WEildance C2in
Weildance Stone x2
AF3+1 Misc. upgrades:
Ebisu Feshing Rod
Weaver's Apron
Magnifying Spectacles
Nexus Cape
Beastman Seals: 6
Kindred Seals: 24
Kindred Crests: 196
High-Kindred Crests: 1
15 HP
12 STR
12 DEX
8 Hand to Hand
8 Dagger
1 Polearm
4 Katana
3 Staff
4 Evasion
8 Elemental
8 Enfeebling
8 Ninjitsu
5 Crit. Hit
5 Spell Int. Rate Down
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
4/10 5/10
1 Shijin SPiral
1 Exenterator
1 Requiescat
5 Resolution
1 Stardiver
5 Tachi:Shoha
Last Stand
Cruor: 589,915
Traverser Stone: 1,332
3/3 Lunar Abyssites
Abyssite of Discernment: Yes
Abyssite of Cosmos: Yes
Voidwatch Stones: 341
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Jade Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
White Stratum Abyssite Tier 6
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite Tier 1
Amber Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
Enriched Atmacites:
Bayld: 58,515
Alizarin Tier 3
Zaffre Tier 3
Celadon Tier 3
tldr& Stupidly decked hume, Title bar just does not have enough space to list all the high end items. One of the most developed SoA accounts I have ever sold, full delve boss clears, tons of super high end SoA rare/ex. 2 great relics, 5 nice emps. 16 jobs, Old school greats like Blackbelt and Armada Hauberk, Full Phoryc/Thamaus from Neo Nyzle, Mikinaak gear ranked up. Orvail Robe, af3+2, voidwatch clears, movement speed gear, its all here. 100% up to date account, needs nothing to do ALL aspects of the game. 110 Ebisu Fishing Expert for massive gil farming, 94 Clothcraft with subs leveled up as well. Very rounded account
extremly profesional, clearly show hes done this multip..
Does great work and be fast because the characters sell..
I have bought and sold 5 times with Neo. It is always a..