*ERGON/RLC* (119)Idris/Mjollnir(85)Rag Hume 12 99s, Reforged 119, SoA done, Dring, 103 BC, 400+JP
Windurst Rank 10
Reg Codes: NO
Server Xfer is Available
Zilart: Complete!
Promathia: Complete!
ToAU: Complete!
WoTG: Complete!
C.Prophecy: Complete!
A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Complete!
A Shantotto Ascension: Fountain of Trouble
Abyssea: Vision/Scars/Hereos Purchased
Dynamis: Zilart Dynamis Complete
Seekers of Adoulin: Arciela's Resolve
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Ring My Bell
Value in misc. 950k+ in sellables
Noteable Melee Rare/EX
Kannagi (90)
Caladbolg (90)
Ragnarok (85)
Jugo Kukri +1
Raicho +1
Triska Scythe
Xiutleato (Acc +20, Regen +3)
Atoyac (Occ Atk Twice, Crit Hit +4%)
Kumbhakarna (Pet: Str +12, Dex +12, Vit +12, Atk +10, Rng Atk +10, Double Atk +4%, Crit Hit +4%)
Mdomo Axe
Arendsi Fleuret
Anahera Blade
Demeral Degen
Honed Tathlum
Acro Helm (Pet: Haste+3%, Acc+15, Rng atk+15, Double Atk+4%)
Acro Surcoat (Pet: Crit hit +4, Dmg +4, Atk +14, Rng Atk +14)
Acro Gauntlets (Mnd +4 Chr +4 Pet: Acc +17, Rng Atk +17, Double Atk +4%)
Acro Breeches (Chr +3 Pet: Crit Hit +4%, Atk+4, Rng Atk+4)
Acro Leggings (Mnd +1, Chr +1 Pet: Atk +12, Rng Atk +12, Regen +2)
Taeon Chapeau (STR+3 DEX+3 ACC+17 ATK+17 Triple Atk+2)
Taeon Tabard (STR+6 ACC+15 ATK+15 Tripple Atk+2)
Taeon Gloves (STR+3 AGI+3 ACC+20 Tripple Atk+2)
Taeon Tights (ACC+17 ATK+17 Tripple Atk+2 Crit.Hit Dmg+3)
Taeon Boots
Yorium Cuirass
Yorium Gauntlets
Yorium Cuisses (Acc +16, Haste +2%)
Yorium Sabatons
Cizin Breeches
Cizin Greaves
Cizin Mail (Atk +2, PDT -1%)
Cizin Mufflers +1
Otronif Harness
Otronif Gloves
Otronif Brais
Otronif Boots
Iuitl Headgear +1
Iuitl Vest +1
Iuitl Wristbands +1 (Atk +2, PDT -2%)
Iuitl Tights
Iuitl Gaiters +1
Plunderer's Vest +1
Plunderer's Armlets +1
Plunderer's Poulaines +1
Pillager's Culottes +1
Ignominy Burgeonet
Ignominy Curass +1
Ignominy Gauntlets
Ignominy Flanchard
Ignominy Sollerets
Horos Toe Shoes +1
Whirlpool Mask
Uk'uxkaj Cap (AGI+8, Haste+2%, Snapshot+2)
Ejekamal Mask (STR+8, Haste+2%, Snapshot+2)
Anwig Salade (Acc +3, Atk +3, Pet: Haste +5%, DT -10%)
Otomi Helm
Sukeroku Hachimaki
Quiahuiz Helm
Yayoyotl Helm
Emet Harness
Pursuer's Doublet
Qaaxo Harness (Atk +10, Eva +10)
Thaumas Coat
Xaddi Mail (Atk +15, Acc +10, Store TP+3)
Psycloth Vest
Mekosuchinae Harness
Mikinaak Breastplate
Umuthi Gloves
Buremte Gloves
Shigure Tekko
Mikinaak Guntles (Atk+15, Acc+10, STR+10)
Kaabnax Trousers (Agi +8, Haste+2%, Snapshot+2)
Manibozho Brais (Atk +11, Acc +6, Str +2)
Quiahuiz Trousers
Blood Cuisses (Fast Cast +4%, Magic Def Bonus +5)
Zoar Subligar
Ejekamal Boots (Str +8, PDT-2%, MDT -2%)
Mikinaak Greaves (Atk +15, Acc +10, Str +10)
Skadi's Jambeaux +1
Danzo Sune-Ate
Manibozho Boots
Qaaxo Leggings
Despair Greaves
Vanir Boots
Tenryu Sune-Ate
Gaudryi Necklace
Asperity Necklace
Bathy Choker +1
Fotia Gorget
Ganesha's Mala
Kentarch Belt +1
Kentarch Belt
Hurch'lan Sash
Olseni Belt
Fotia Belt
Zennaroi Earring
Kokou's Earring
Steelflash Earring
Bladeborn Earring
Dudgeon Earring
Heartseeker Earring
Handler's Earring
Zwazo Earring
Moonshade Earring (Acc +4, TP Bonus +250)
Defending Ring
K'ayres Ring
Patricius Ring
Epona's Ring
Gelatinous Ring
Dark ring (PDT -3%, MDT -4%)
Shadow Ring
Archon Ring
Toetapper Mantle (Store TP, Dual Wield +3 Reverce Flourish +20)
Niht Mantle (Atk +11, Dark Magic +7, Drain/Aspir Poteency +13%)
Yokaze Mantle (Str +4, Dex +1, Skillchain Dmg +1)
Canny Cape (Dex +1, Dual Wield +1%, Crit hit +1%)
Pastoralist Mantle (Str +4, Dex +4, Acc +3, Pet: DT-4%, Acc +11, Rng Acc +11)
Takaha Mantle (Str +4, Store TP +2, Zanshin+3)
Anchoret's Mantle
Updraft Mantle
Weard Mantle
Dispersal Mantle
Vespid Mantle
Bleating Mantle
Letalis Mantle
Atheling Mantle
Charis +2 Set 2/5
Iga +2 Set 3/5
Monster Gloves +2
Monster Gaiters +2
Brutal Earring
Noteable Mage Rare/EX
Idris (119)
Mjollnir (119)
Marin Staff +1
Tamaxchi (Macc+30 Regen+3)
Nehushtan (Str+3 Dex+3 Attk+9 Haste+2)
Cagliostro's Rod
Ababinili +1
Keraunos (MND+8 MACC+20 MAB+20 MBURST.Dmg +4)
Lehbrailg +2 (DMg+9 Int+2 MAB+18)
Kirin's Pole (DMG=24 Dex+1 Enhancing Magic skill +10)
Vourukasha I
Arendsi Fleuret
Arka IV
Ghastly Tathlum +1
Genbu's Shield (Hp +25, Cure Potency +4%, Cure Spell Casting -7%)
Mephitis Grip
Helios Band (Int +, Mnd +5, Magic Atk Bonus +24, Fast Cast +5%)
Helios Gloves (Magic Acc +19, Magic Attack Bonus +18, Fast Cast+5%, Magic.Burst Dmg +8%)
Helios Boots (Magic Acc +20, Magic Attack Bonus +20, Fast Cast+5%, Magic.Burst Dmg +9%)
Telchine Cap (Str +6, Chr +6, Acc +11, Double Atk +3%)
Telchine Gloves (Mnd +5, Atk +19, Double Atk +3%)
Telchine Braconi (Mnd +2, Chr +2, Atk +18, Double Atk +3%)
Beckoner's Horn
Glyphic Bracers +1
Convoker's Horn +1
Convoker's Doublet +1
Azinuth Hood
Azimuth Coat
Bagua Galero
Badua Tunic +1
Bagua Mitaines
Bagua Pants +1
Bagua Sandals
Geomancy Galero +1
Geomancy Pants +1
Geomancy Tunic +1
Geomancy Mitaines +1
Geomancy Sandals +1
Ebers Briault +1
Ebers Cap +1
Ebers Mitts
Ebers Pantaloons +1
Ebers Duckbills
Piety Duckbills
Piety Pantaloons +1
Hagondes Hat +1 (Magic Atk Bonus +13, PDT -1%)
Hagondes Cuffs +1 (Magic Atk Bonus +19, PDT -2%, MDT -1%)
Hagondes Coat +1 (Magic Atk Bonus +20, PDT -1%)
Hagondes Pants +1 (Magic Attack Bonus +25, PDT-1%)
Hagondes Sabots+1
Gendewitha Caubeen
Gendewitha Bliaut +1 (Cure Potency +7%, PDT -3%)
Gendewitha Galoshes +1 (Cure Spell Casting -4%, PDT -1%)
Artsieq Hat (MP +30, Magic Acc +2, Mnd +7)
Hike Khat
Nahtirah Hat
Buremte Hat
Umuthi Hat
Kaabnax Hat
Subtlety Spec
Orvail Corona
Laurel Wreath
Ischemia Chasuble
Heka's Kakasiris
Psycloth Vest
Telchine Chasuble
Twilight Cloak
Anhur Robe
Respite Cloak
Cohort Cloak
Bokwus Robe
Ayao's Gages
Dynasty Mitts
Yaoyotl Gloves
Carapacho Cuffs
Lurid Mitts
Serpentes Cuffs
Assiduity Pants +1
Sifahir Slacks
Hygieia Clogs +1
Psycloth Boots
Uk'uxkaj Boots
Battlecast Gaiters
Psycloth Boots
Bokwus Sabots
Serpentes Boots
Eddy Necklace
Phalaima Locket
Sekhmet Corset
Imbodla necklace
Sigel Sash
Aurist's Cloak +1
Fi Follet Cape
Bane Cape (Elemental Magic Skill +6, Dark Magic Skill +4)
Ghostfyre Cape (Magic Acc +6, Enfeebling Skill +8, Enhancing skill +10)
Bookworm's Cape (Int +1, Mnd +1, Regen Potency +7%)
Lifestream Cape (Gemancy skill +8, Indi Duration +15, Dmg-1%, Pet: DMG-3%)
Mending Cape (Magic Acc +9, Healing Skill +6, Enhancing Skill+6, Cure Pot +1%)
Samanisi Cape
Pahtli Cape
Refraction Cape
Magnetic Earring
Crematio Earring
Nourish Earring +1
Nourish Earring
Hecate's Earring
Gifted Earring
Lifestorm Earring
Psystorm Earring
Strendu Ring
Sangoma Ring
Gelatinous Ring
Perception Ring
Globidonta Ring
Evoker's Ring
Caller's +2 Set 4/5
Loquacious Earring
Balrahn's Ring
Academic's Motarboard +1
Argute Loafer's +2
Argute Gown +2
Protective Spectacles
Boneworker's Smock
Boneworker's Torque
Bonecrafter's Ring
Craftmaster's Ring
Craftkeeper's Ring
Boneworker's Cuffs
Tanner's Gloves
Boneworker's Sign
Boneworker's Stall
Bonecraft Tools
Drogaroga's Fang
Rem's Tale Ch.1 x2
Rem's Tale Ch.2 x13
Rem's Tale Ch.3 x21
Rem's Tale Ch.4 x23
Rem's Tale Ch.5 x55
Rem's Tale Ch.6 x40
Rem's Tale Ch.7 x53
Rem's Tale Ch.8 x48
Rem's Tale Ch.9 x33
Rem's Tale Ch.10 x63
Lebondopt Wing x6
Mellidopt Wing x10
2 Leaf Chloris Bud x8
Itzpapa Scale x18
Ulhuadhi's Fang x6
Orthrus's Claw x9
Azdaja's Horn x2
Iron Plate x4
Colorless Soul x5
Emp Upgrade Seal x31
Emp Upgrade Item x22
Beastman Seals: 453
Kindred Seals: 183
Kindred Crests: 183
High-Kindred Crests: 117
S.Kindred Crest: 176
Legion Points: 7460
Sparks of Eminence: 12,321
Nyzul Tokens: 14,104
Therion Ichor: 27,960
Cruor: 537,285
Traverser Stone: 3959
Voidstones: 1229
Bayld: 325,328
Mweya Plasm: 868,800
Escha Slit: 26,033
15 HP
15 MP
15 Max Merit Points
15 Str
15 Dex
15 Agi
15 Int
8 Dagger Skill
8 Sword Skill
8 Great Sword Skill
8 Axe Skill
8 Scythe Skill
8 Katana Skill
8 Great Sword Skill
8 Club Skill
8 Staff Skill
8 Marksmanship Skill
8 Throwing Skill
8 Parrying Skill
8 Evasion Skill
8 Shield Skill
8 Divine Magic Skill
8 Healing Magic Skill
8 Enhancing Magic Skill
8 Enfeebling Magic Skill
8 Elemental Magic Skill
8 Dark Magic Skill
8 Summoning Magic Skill
8 Ninjutsu Skill
8 Geomancy Skill
8 Handbell Skill
5 Critical Hit Rate
5 Spell Interruption Rate
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
2 Exenterator
5 Resolution
4 Ruinator
1 Blade: Shun
3 Realmrazer
Job Points:
1 Benediction Effect
1 Divine Seal Effect
6 Magic Acc Bonus
3 Afflatus Solace Effect
1 Afflatus Misery Effect
1 Sacrosanctity Effect
1 Regen Duration
6 Bar Spell Effect
1 Magic Damage Bonus
1 Pet Accurancy Bonus
1 Blood Pact Damage
1 Trance Effect
13 Step Duration
11 Samba Duration
6 Waltz Potency
3 Jig Duration
10 Flourish I Effect
10 Flourish II Effect
1 Bolster Effect
5 Life Cycle Effect
9 Blaze of Glory Effect
4 Magic Atk Bonus
10 Magic Acc Bonus
1 Dematerialize Duration
1 Theuric Focus Effect
1 Concentric Pulse Effect
5 Indicolure Spell Effect Duration
3/3 Lunar Abyssites
79 Total
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Jade Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
White Stratum Abyssite Tier 6
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Tier 3
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite Tier 3
Amber Stratum Abyssite Tier 3
Total: 58
Coalition Ranks
Pioneer Legend
Courier Legend
Inventor Legend
Mummer Legend
Peacekeeper Legend
Scout Legend
Alizarin Clear
Zaffre Clear
Celadon Clear
Russet Clear
Phlox Clear
Aster Clear
Star Sibyl
tldr& Ergon weapon @ 119. This is currently the hardest weapon to make in FFXI and argueably the most powerful, 119 Idris. This account has the GEO totally decked with all the proper 119 gear. The macros are saved to the server just waiting for the new owner. This account would be an amazing main or even a mule for someone looking to take buffs to the next level with the Idris. WHM equally geared at elite status, with all the proper Delve/Skirmish drops and high end augments, 103 Bonecraft with GP items, and proper sub crafts leveled. 40+ Trusts. over 400+ Job Points spread throughout. Top tier account and very rare
Buyout $1300
extremly profesional, clearly show hes done this multip..
Does great work and be fast because the characters sell..
I have bought and sold 5 times with Neo. It is always a..