Elf Burtgang Aegis Sequence PLD/BLM/WHM/RDM/BLU/COR/RNG/NIN RoV Complete, +1 Abj + GEO Whm mule
Server Xfer is Available
Mercenary Rank: Mercenary Captain! Ready to create mythics!
Zilart: Complete!
Promathia: Complete!
Dynamis: All Access!
ToAU: Complete!
WotG: In the Name of the Father
Adoulin: Complete!
Voidwatch: Starter Cities Cleared
Abyssea: Complete!
Addon (A Crystalline Prophecy): The Echo Awakens
Addon (A Moogle Kupo d'Etat): Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
Addon (A Shantotto Ascension): That Which Curdles Blood
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel: Complete!
Value in misc. 500k+ in sellables
Aegis 99
Burtgang AFTERGLOW 119 AG (Path: A)
Sequence i119
119 Relic/Artifact/Emp +2/+3
Kgt. Beads +2 99 (Path: A)
Spaekona's Coat +2 i119
Adapa Shield i119
Anu Torque 99
Dingir Ring 99
Enki Strap 99
Erra Pendant 99
Ilabrat Ring 99
Kishar Ring 99
Knobkierrie 99
Nisroch Jerkin i119
Nusku Shield i119
(7) P. Blm Card
(6) P. Blu Card
(99) P. Pld Card
Shulmanu Collar 99
Yamarang 99
Escha Zi'Tah/Ru'Aun/Reisenjima
Aganoshe i119
Agema Cape 99
Ainia Collar 99
Aizushintogo i119
Alber Strap 99
Amar Cluster 99
Apate Ring 99
Asklepian Belt 99
Channeler's Stone 99
Chironic Doublet i119 ("Cure" Potency +5%, Int+7, Mag. Acc.+8, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+13)
Chironic Hat i119 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+18, "Cure" Potency +5%, Chr+1, Mag. Acc.+15)
Clotharius Torque 99
(2) Colada i119 ("Dbl.Atk."+3, Dex+5, Accuracy+20, Attack+4, Dmg:+12)
(2) Colada i119 ("Store Tp"+3, Dex+14, Accuracy+15, Attack+10)
Compensator i119
Composer's Mitts i119
Dacnomania i119
Dampener's Torque 99
Deacon Blade i119
Deacon Saber i119
Deacon Sword i119
Deacon Tabar i119
Deino Collar 99
Despair Fin. Gaunt. i119
Despair Mail i119
Diemer Gorget 99
Digni. Earring 99
(2) Emissary i119
Empath Necklace 99
Enchufla i119
Eschan Stone 99
Eschite Helm i119
Evans Earring 99
Expeditious Pinion 99
Falcon Eye 99
Forefathers' Grip 99
Genmei Kabuto i119
Genmei Shield i119
Gozuki Mezuki i119
Grioavolr i119 (Enfb.Mag. Skill +9, Int+14, Mag. Acc.+20, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+28, Magic Damage +7)
Grunfeld Rope 99
Habile Mazrak i119
Hammerfists i119
Herculean Boots i119 (Accuracy+18 Attack+18, Crit.Hit Rate+1, Dex+2, Accuracy+12, Attack+12)
(2) Herculean Gloves i119
(2) Herculean Gloves i119 (Accuracy+7, Crit.Hit Rate+5, Attack+11)
(2) Herculean Helm i119
(2) Herculean Helm i119 (Attack+30, Crit.Hit Rate+5, Dex+5, Accuracy+3)
(2) Herculean Trousers i119 (Accuracy+30, Crit.Hit Rate+4, Agi+5)
(2) Herculean Trousers i119 (Magic Damage +8, Weapon Skill Acc.+9, Accuracy+16 Attack+16, Mag. Acc.+14 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+14)
Herculean Vest i119 (Accuracy+20 Attack+20, "Waltz" Potency +4%, Int+8, Accuracy+10, Attack+10)
Hermetic Earring 99
Hetairoi Ring 99
Holliday i119
Homeric Gorget 99
Hydrocera 99
Ichigohitofuri i119
Inspirited Boots i119
(2) Iris i119 (Blue Magic Skill +15, Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Jokushu Haidate i119
(2) Kanaria i119
(2) Kanaria i119 (Crit.Hit Rate+1, Dex+2, Accuracy+16, Attack+13, Dmg:+6)
Koboto i119
(2) Lathi i119
(2) Lathi i119 (Mp+80, Int+20, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20)
Lempo Earring 99
Luminary Sash 99
Mantoptera Eye 99
Merlinic Crackows i119 (Mag. Acc.+25 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+25, Magic Burst Dmg.+7%, Mnd+8)
Merlinic Hood i119 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+28, Magic Burst Dmg.+8%, Int+9, Mag. Acc.+2)
Merlinic Jubbah i119 (Mag. Acc.+24 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+24, Int+2, Mag. Acc.+11, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+11)
Merlinic Shalwar i119 (Mag. Acc.+18 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+18, Magic Burst Dmg.+5%, Mag. Acc.+13, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+1)
Mijin i119
Misanthropy i119
Naga Tekko i119
Navon Crackows i119
(2) Nibiru Cudgel i119 (Mp+50, Int+10, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Niobid Strap 99
Nixxer i119
Nodens Gorget 99
Nzingha Cuirass i119
Obatala Subligar i119
(3) Odyss. Chestplate i119
(3) Odyss. Chestplate i119 (Mag. Acc.+20, "Fast Cast"+4, Mnd+5, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+5)
(3) Odyss. Chestplate i119 (Mag. Acc.+14 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+14, Weapon Skill Damage +2%, Chr+9, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+7)
(2) Odyssean Cuisses i119
(2) Odyssean Cuisses i119 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+9, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Mnd+10, Mag. Acc.+15)
Odyssean Gauntlets i119 (Mag. Acc.+23, Weapon Skill Damage +4%)
(2) Odyssean Greaves i119
(2) Odyssean Greaves i119 (Mag. Acc.+15 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, "Fast Cast"+4, Agi+8, Mag. Acc.+7, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+8)
Onca Suit i119
Overbearing Ring 99
Pemphredo Tathlum 99
Petrov Ring 99
Psycloth Manillas i119
Pursuer's Doublet i119
Pursuer's Pants i119
Quarrel Mantle 99
Queller Rod i119 (Mp+80, "Cure" Potency +15%, Enmity-5)
Reiki Osode i119
Reikiono i119
Resonance Ring 99
Sanctity Necklace 99
Sapience Orb 99
Sarissapho. Belt 99
Sayadio's Kaftan i119
Shishio i119
Skaoi Boots i119
Skormoth Mask i119
Skullrender i119
Solemnity Cape 99
Solstice i119
Steinthor i119
Sulla Belt 99
Suwaiyas i119
Takoba i119
Tantalic Cape 99
Telos Earring 99
Thureous Earring 99
Tutyr Sabots i119
Umaru i119
Valorous Mail i119
Valorous Mask i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+29, Accuracy+25, "Refresh"+1, Accuracy+16 Attack+16, Mag. Acc.+6 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+6)
Vanya Clogs i119
Vanya Cuffs i119
Vedic Coat i119
Vertigo Ring 99
Vijaya Bow i119
Vocane Ring 99
Warden's Ring 99
Wochowsen i119
Yemaya Belt 99
Ynglinga Sallet i119
119 Abjuration Gear
Ab.Abjuration: Ft.
Ab.Abjuration: Hd.
Ab.Abjuration: Hn.
Ab.Abjuration: Lg.
Adhemar Bonnet i119 (Dex+10, Agi+10, Accuracy+15)
Adhemar Gamashes i119 (Str+10, Dex+10, Attack+15)
Adhemar Jacket i119 (Dex+10, Agi+10, Accuracy+15)
Adhemar Wristbands i119 (Dex+10, Agi+10, Accuracy+15)
Amalric Coif i119 (Mp+60, Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Amalric Doublet i119 (Mp+60, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20, "Fast Cast"+3)
Amalric Gages i119 (Int+10, Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Amalric Nails i119 (Mp+60, Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Amalric Slops i119 (Mp+60, Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Ar.Abjuration: Hn.
Carmine Cuisses i119 (Accuracy+15, Attack+10, "Dual Wield"+5)
Carmine Greaves i119 (Hp+60, Mp+60, Phys. Dmg. Taken -3)
Carmine Mask i119 (Accuracy+15, Mag. Acc.+10, "Fast Cast"+3)
Cr.Abjuration: Hn.
Gr.Abjuration: Ft.
Gr.Abjuration: Hd.
Gr.Abjuration: Lg.
Kaykaus Bliaut i119 (Mp+60, Spell Interruption Rate Down +10%, "Cure" Spellcasting Time -5%)
Kaykaus Cuffs i119 (Mp+60, Spell Interruption Rate Down +10%, "Cure" Spellcasting Time -5%)
Kaykaus Tights i119 (Mp+60, "Cure" Spellcasting Time -5%, Enmity-5)
Souv. Cuirass +1 i119 (Hp+105, Enmity+9, Potency of "Cure" Effect Received +15%)
Souv. Diechlings +1 i119 (Hp+105, Enmity+9, Potency of "Cure" Effect Received +15%)
Souv. Handsch. +1 i119 (Hp+105, Enmity+9, Potency of "Cure" Effect Received +15%)
Souv. Schaller +1 i119 (Hp+105, Enmity+9, Potency of "Cure" Effect Received +15%)
Souveran Schuhs +1 i119 (Hp+105, Enmity+9, Potency of "Cure" Effect Received +15%)
Tr.Abjuration: Ft.
Tr.Abjuration: Hd.
Tr.Abjuration: Hn.
Tr.Abjuration: Lg.
Va.Abjuration: Hd.
Va.Abjuration: Hn.
Ve.Abjuration: Hd.
Ve.Abjuration: Hn.
Ve.Abjuration: Lg.
(4) A. Voucher: Weapon
(5) Abdhaljs Anima
(5) Abdhaljs Gem
(10) Abdhaljs Matter
(5) Abdhaljs Nugget
(5) Abdhaljs Resin
andartia's Mantle 99 (Agi+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+4, "Dual Wield"+10)
Aya. Cosciales +2 i119
Aya. Gambieras +1 i119
Aya. Manopolas +1 i119
Aya. Zucchetto +2 i119
Ayanmo Corazza +2 i119
Flam. Gambieras +1 i119
Flam. Manopolas +1 i119
Flam. Zucchetto +1 i119
Flamma Dirs +1 i119
Hiza. Hizayoroi +2 i119
Jhakri Coronal +2 i119
Jhakri Cuffs +2 i119
Jhakri Pigaches +2 i119
Jhakri Ring 99
Jhakri Robe +2 i119
Jhakri Slops +2 i119
Kaja Knuckles i119
Mummu Bonnet +1 i119
(3) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, "Dbl.Atk."+10)
(3) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, Crit.Hit Rate+10)
(3) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Magic Damage +10, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10, Spell Interruption Rate Down-10%)
Rudianos's Mantle 99 (Vit+20, Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20, Vit+10, Enmity+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
Segomo's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+5, Haste+10, System: 1 Id: 640 Val: 4)
Sulev. Leggings +1 i119
Taranus's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Int+10, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10)
Tauret i119
Reforged Artifact/Relic/Emp
Assim. Bazu. +1 i119
Cab. Surcoat +1 i119 (Enhances "Fealty" Effect)
Ebers Cap +1 i119
Ebers Pant. +1 i119
Hiza. Haramaki +2 i119
Hiza. Somen +2 i119
Hiza. Sune-Ate +2 i119
Hizamaru Kote +2 i119
Sinnister Reign
Avatara Slops i119
Befouled Crown i119
Cryptic Earring 99
Incarnation Sash 99
Ishvara Earring 99
Limbo Trousers i119
Odium i119
Supay Weskit i119
Terminal Helm i119
Vengeful Ring 99
Antitail i119
Apeile Ring +1 99
Assiduity Pants i119
Cohort Cloak i119
Dominance Earring 99
Emet Harness i119
Handler's Earring 99
Hippomenes Socks i119
Imp. Wing Hairpin i119
Kentarch Belt +1 99
Loess Barbuta +1 i119
Nourish. Earring 99
Nourish. Earring +1 99
Odnowa Earring +1 99
Pukulatmuj i119
Shigure Tekko i119
Tanmogayi +1 i119
Ternion Dagger i119
Warder's Charm +1 99
Other Noteable R/EX
Adoulin's Refuge +1 99
Battlecast Gaiters i119
Bloodbead Ring 62
Brutal Earring 75
Cessance Earring 99
Culminus i119
Defending Ring 70
Divinator Ii i119
Epona's Ring 89
Freke Ring 99
Fucho-No-Obi 99
Gere Ring 99
Ginsen 99
Hecate's Earring 90
Hjarrandi Breast. i119
Loquac. Earring 75
Lost Sickle
Magnetic Earring 72
Mecisto. Mantle 99 (Cap. Point+30%, Int+1, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+1, Def+6)
Mizu. Kubikazari 99
Orunmila's Torque 99
Perdition Slops i119
Rajas Ring 30
Siegel Sash 90
Sortiarius Earring 99
Soulflayer's Wand
Suppanomimi 72
Ulthalam's Ring 50
Zantetsuken X i119
Asperity Necklace 99
Bladeborn Earring 99
Chaac Belt 99
Contriver's Cape 99
Conveyance Cape 99
Dudgeon Earring 99
Eddy Necklace 99
Gevaudan Belt 99
Gwati Earring 99
Honed Tathlum 99
Ighwa Trousers i119
Imbodla Necklace 99
Inq. Bead Necklace 99
Jushimatsu i119
K'ayres Ring 99
Kuchekula Ring 99
Lifestorm Earring 99
Lifestream Cape 99
Locus Ring 99
Mauler's Mantle 99
Mephitis Grip 99
Nahtirah Hat i119
Ngqoqwanb i119
Pahtli Cape 99
Psystorm Earring 99
Refraction Cape 99
Samanisi Cape 99
Sihirik 99
Steelflash Earring 99
Tzacab Grip 99
Umuthi Hat i119
Vespid Mantle 99
Weard Mantle 99 (Vit+3, Dex+1, Enmity+2, Phalanx +2)
Yaoyotl Gloves i119
Yaoyotl Helm i119
Zoran's Belt 99
Base Artifact/Relic/Emp
Abyss Cuirass 74
Argute Gown 74
Assassin's Culottes 74
Assassin's Pouln. 73
Bale Burgeonet 85
Bard's Jstcorps 74
Cleric's Briault 74
Comm. Trews +1 75
Comm. Tricorne 75
Commodore Frac 74
Commodore Gants 72
Creed Sabatons 81
Duelist's Tabard 74
Koga Hakama 71
Lancer's Earring 90
Magus Charuqs 52
Magus Jubbah 58
Magus Keffiyeh 60
Magus Shalwar 54
Mavi Kavuk 85
Mavi Mintan 89
Melee Cyclas 74
Mirage Bazubands 73
Mirage Jubbah 74
Mirage Keffiyeh 75
Mirage Shalwar 72
Monster Gaiters 74
Monster Gloves 75
Pantin Babouches 72
Pantin Taj 75
Pantin Tobe 74
Raider's Poulaines 81
Saotome Domaru 74
Scout's Beret 73
Scout's Socks 74
Sorcerer's Coat 74
Sorcerer's Sabots 71
Summoner's Dblt. 74
Valor Breeches 74
Valor Coronet 73
Valor Leggings 71
Warrior's Cuisses 74
Wyrm Mail 74
A. Tok.: Body +1
A. Tok.: Feet +1
(2) A. Tok.: Fingers
A. Tok.: Hands +1
A. Tok.: Head +1
A. Tok.: Legs +1
(2) A. Vou.: Body +1
(3) A. Vou.: Feet +1
(2) A. Vou.: Hands +1
(2) A. Vou.: Head +1
(2) A. Vou.: Legs +1
(40) Abdhaljs Dust
(10) Abdhaljs Dye
(36) Abdhaljs Fiber
(5) Abdhaljs Metal
(24) Abdhaljs Sap
Abdhaljs Seal
(40) Abdhaljs Thread
Atst. of Force
Atst. of Right.
(10) Bonanza Marble
Cirein. Lantern
Cy.Abjuration: Hd.
Fu's Scale
(2) Gin's Scale
Glavoid Shell
Helm of Briareus
(6) Iron Plate
Isgebind's Heart
Itzpapa. Scale
Jo.Abjuration: Ft.
(2) Kin's Scale
Kukulkan's Fang
(4) Kupon A-Pk109
Kupon Aw-Cos
(6) Kupon Aw-Wk
(5) Kupon I-Seal
Orthrus's Claw
(2) Sedna's Tusk
Sh.Abjuration: Hd.
Tinnin's Fang
Tr.Abjuration: Bd.
Key Items
♪Adamantoise Companion
♪Beetle Companion
♪Crab Companion
♪Dhalmel Companion
♪Goobbue Companion
♪Moogle Companion
♪Raptor Companion
♪Red Crab Companion
♪Spectral Chair Companion
♪Tiger Companion
Abyssite of Discernment
Abyssite of the Cosmos
Adoulinian Charter Permit
Adventurer's Certificate
Aged Booming Naakual Crest
Aged Firebrand Naakual Crest
Aged Flashfrost Naakual Crest
Aged Ligneous Naakual Crest
Aged Matriarch Naakual Crest
Aged Riptide Naakual Crest
Aged Undying Naakual Crest
Airship Pass
Airship Pass For Kazham
Altepa Gate Crystal
Ambuscade Primer Volume One
Ambuscade Primer Volume Two
Anti-Glaciation Gear
Archducal Audience Permit
Arciela's Skirt
Ashen Stratum Abyssite
Ashrakk's Blood Sigil
Astral Compass
Atma of Allure
Atma of the Crimson Scale
Atma of the Gnarled Horn
Atma of the Lone Wolf
Atma of the Merciless Matriarch
Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity
Atma of the Omnipotent
Atma of the Razed Ruins
Atma of the Sanguine Scythe
Atma of the Smiting Blow
Atma of the Stormbird
Atma of the Stout Arm
Atma of the Stronghold
Atma of the Voracious Violet
Avatar Phantom Gem
Azure Abyssite of Lenity
Battle Trophy: 1st Echelon
Battle Trophy: 2nd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 3rd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 4th Echelon
Battle Trophy: 5th Echelon
Beguiling Petrifact
Blood-Smeared Gigas Helm
Blotched Doomed Tongue
Boarding Permit
Brand of Dawn
Brand of the Flameserpent
Brand of the Galeserpent
Brand of the Skyserpent
Brand of the Springserpent
Brand of the Stoneserpent
Brand of Twilight
Brier-Proof Net
Broken Iron Giant Spike
Bronze Ribbon of Service ∮
Brunhilde's Feather
Captain Wildcat Badge
''card Jailer Teodor''
Celestial Nexus Phantom Gem
Cerulean Crystal
Chipped Sandworm Tooth
Chocobo License
Compass of Transference
Crest of Davoi
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Iv
Crimson Traverser Stone
Dawn Phantom Gem
Dem Gate Crystal
Denary Nazar
Detached Stinger
Dhokmak's Blood Sigil
Dimensional Compass
Dynamis - Buburimu Sliver
Dynamis - Qufim Sliver
Dynamis - Tavnazia Sliver
Dynamis - Valkurm Sliver
Elvaan Mask of Darkness
Emerald Abyssite of Fortune
Empty Hourglass
Eschan Cellar
Eschan Nef
Eschan Urn
F.A.I.L. Badge
Feared One Phantom Gem
Flame-Scarred Skull
Frosted Incisor
Fu’S Bead
Galka Mask of Light
Gerhilde's Feather
Gin’S Bead
Grimoire Page
Habitual Behavior Barometer
Head Wind Phantom Gem
Heart of the Bushin
Holla Gate Crystal
Hydra Corps Command Scepter
Hydra Corps Eyeglass
Hydra Corps Insignia
Hydra Corps Lantern
Hydra Corps Tactical Map
Imperial Missive
Impure Alizarin Yggzi
Impure Aster Yggzi
Impure Celadon Yggzi
Impure Phlox Yggzi
Impure Russet Yggzi
Impure Zaffre Yggzi
Indigo Abyssite of Sojourn
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Iv
Insulator Tablet
Ivory Abyssite of Acumen
Ivory Abyssite of Confluence
Ivory Abyssite of Destiny
Ivory Abyssite of Expertise
Ivory Abyssite of Fortune
Ivory Abyssite of Guerdon
Ivory Abyssite of Perspicacity
Ivory Abyssite of Prosperity
Ivory Abyssite of Sojourn
Ivory Abyssite of the Reaper
Jade Abyssite of Expertise
Jade Stratum Abyssite Iv
Job Breaker
Job Gesture: Black Mage
Job Gesture: Blue Mage
Job Gesture: Corsair
Job Gesture: Monk
Job Gesture: Ninja
Job Gesture: Paladin
Job Gesture: Ranger
Job Gesture: Red Mage
Job Gesture: Samurai
Job Gesture: Thief
Job Gesture: Warrior
Job Gesture: White Mage
Jugner Gate Crystal
Kam. Fb Op. Materials Container
Kin’S Bead
Kupofried's Medallion
Legacy Phantom Gem
Lerene's Paten
Limit Breaker
Lunar Abyssite
Magian Trial Log
Malformed Staff
Manaclipper Multi-Ticket
Map of Abyssea - Altepa
Map of Abyssea - Attohwa
Map of Abyssea - Konschtat
Map of Abyssea - Tahrongi
Map of Adoulin
Map of Al Zahbi
Map of Al'taieu
Map of Alzadaal Ruins
Map of Arrapago Reef
Map of Aydeewa Subterrane
Map of Beadeaux
Map of Bhaflau Thickets
Map of Bibiki Bay
Map of Bostaunieux Oubliette
Map of Caedarva Mire
Map of Cape Riverne
Map of Carpenters' Landing
Map of Castle Oztroja
Map of Castle Zvahl
Map of Davoi
Map of Delkfutt's Tower
Map of Escha - Ru'aun
Map of Escha - Zi'tah
Map of Fei'yin
Map of Fort Karugo-Narugo
Map of Ghelsba
Map of Giddeus
Map of Grauberg
Map of Halvung
Map of Hu'xzoi
Map of Ifrit's Cauldron
Map of King Ranperre's Tomb
Map of Labyrinth of Onzozo
Map of Mamook
Map of Mount Zhayolm
Map of Nashmau
Map of Newton Movalpolos
Map of Norg
Map of Oldton Movalpolos
Map of Ordelle's Caves
Map of Pso'xja
Map of Qufim Island
Map of Reisenjima
Map of Ru'hmet
Map of Sea Serpent Grotto
Map of Tavnazia
Map of Temple of Uggalepih
Map of the Aqueducts
Map of the Attohwa Chasm
Map of the Bastok Area
Map of the Boyahda Tree
Map of the Crawlers' Nest
Map of the Dangruf Wadi
Map of the Den of Rancor
Map of the Eldieme Necropolis
Map of the Elshimo Regions
Map of the Garlaige Citadel
Map of the Gusgen Mines
Map of the Horutoto Ruins
Map of the Jeuno Area
Map of the Korroloka Tunnel
Map of the Kuftal Tunnel
Map of the Kuzotz Region
Map of the Li'telor Region
Map of the Maze of Shakhrami
Map of the Northlands Area
Map of the Palborough Mines
Map of the Quicksand Caves
Map of the Ranguemont Pass
Map of the Ru'aun Gardens
Map of the Sacrarium
Map of the San D'oria Area
Map of the Toraimarai Canal
Map of the Uleguerand Range
Map of the Vollbow Region
Map of the Windurst Area
Map of the Zeruhn Mines
Map of Ve'lugannon Palace
Map of Vunkerl Inlet
Map of Wajaom Woodlands
Mark of the Einherjar
Mark of Zahak
Mea Gate Crystal
Meriphataud Gate Crystal
Message From Yoyoroon
Military Scrip
Moblin Pheromone Sack
Mog Kupon A-Pk109
Mog Patio Design Document
Moghancement: Bounty
Molted Peiste Skin
Mystical Canteen
Nonary Nazar
Ortlinde's Feather
Pair of Velkk Gloves
Pashhow Gate Crystal
Phantom Gem of Apathy
Phantom Gem of Arrogance
Phantom Gem of Cowardice
Phantom Gem of Envy
Phantom Gem of Rage
Phoenix's Blessing
Piece of Inviolable Bark
Pioneer's Badge
Pouch of Weighted Stones
Primary Nazar
Prismatic Fragment
Prismatic Hourglass
Prototype Attuner
Pso'xja Pass
Puppet In Peril Phantom Gem
Pure White Feather
Reliquiarium Key
''rhapsody In Azure''
''rhapsody In Crimson''
''rhapsody In Emerald''
''rhapsody In Fuchsia''
''rhapsody In Mauve''
''rhapsody In Ochre''
''rhapsody In Puce''
''rhapsody In Umber''
''rhapsody In White''
Rosulatia's Pome
Runic Disc
Runic Key
Rusted Chariot Gear
Sajj'aka's Protective Ward
San D'oria Trust Permit
Sapphire Abyssite of Fortune
Savage's Phantom Gem
''scintillating Rhapsody''
Semi-Pure Alizarin Yggzi
Semi-Pure Aster Yggzi
Semi-Pure Celadon Yggzi
Semi-Pure Phlox Yggzi
Semi-Pure Russet Yggzi
Semi-Pure Zaffre Yggzi
Senary Nazar
Sepulcher Ensign
Shadow Lord Phantom Gem
Shaft Gate Operating Dial
Shard of Apathy
Shard of Arrogance
Shard of Cowardice
Shard of Envy
Shard of Rage
Shattered Iron Giant Chain
Sheet of Mapitoto Tunes
Silver Bell
Silvery Plate
Song of Hope
Sparking Tail Feather
Squire Certificate
Stellar Fulcrum Phantom Gem
Tear of Altana
Tenshodo Member's Card
Teodor's Blood Sigil
Tonberry Key
Trainer's Whistle
Traverser Stone
Vahzl Gate Crystal
Velkk Fetish
Venomous Peiste Claw
Vial of Dream Incense
Vial of Shrouded Sand
Vivid Periapt of Readiness
Voidwatcher's Emblem: Jeuno
Waltraute's Feather
Warped Chariot Plate
Warrior's Path Phantom Gem
Whisper of the Wyrmking
White Stratum Abyssite
Windurst Trust Permit
Yagudo Torch
Nyzul Tokens: 33345
Therion Ichor: 4160
Cruor: 46734
Voidstones: 1171
Traverser Stones: 1220
A.M.A.N. Vouchers Stored: 169
Zeni: 73765
Guild Points (Fishing): 0
Guild Points (Woodworking): 0
Guild Points (Smithing): 0
Guild Points (Goldsmithing): 0
Guild Points (Weaving): 0
Guild Points (Leathercraft): 0
Guild Points (Bonecraft): 0
Guild Points (Alchemy): 0
Guild Points (Cooking): 0
Assault Points (Leujaoam Sanctum): 16662
Assault Points (M.J.T.G.): 15337
Assault Points (Lebros Cavern): 19768
Assault Points (Periqia): 20246
Assault Points (Ilrusi Atoll): 16011
Beastman Seals (stored): 4
Kindred Seals (stored): 42
Kindred Crests (stored): 205
High Kindred Crests (stored): 215
Sacred Kindred Crests (stored): 399
Bayld: 1408691
Mweya Plasm Corpuscles: 1967650
Escha Silt: 1929740
Escha Beads: 18477
Potpourri: 34
Job Points
Trusts (61)
Lilisette II
Arciela II
Shantotto II
Lhe Lhangavo
Mihli Aliapoh
Shikaree Z
Star Sibyl
Zeid II
Nashmeira II
Tenzen II
Ingrid II
Iroha II
Naja Salaheem
D. Shantotto
Uka Totlihn
Semih Lafihna
King of Hearts
Lion II
Prishe II
Coalition Ranks
Pioneer Petitioner
Courier Legend
Inventor Petitioner
Mummer Petitioner
Peacekeeper Petitioner
Scout Petitioner
Escha Vorseal
HP/MP+ 9
Acc/R.Acc/Eva+ 9
Def+ 6
Atk/R.Atk+ 8
M.Acc/M.Eva+ 9
M.Def+ 8
M.Atk+ 8
Occ. Nullifies Damage 3
Killer Effects+ 3
Damage Taken 3
Spoils+ 11
Rare Enemy+ 9
Luck+ 11
Regen+ 1
Refresh+ 1
Accuracy++ 6
tldr Nice setup with 2 POL ID on 1 SE ID, The main pictures is an Elvaan with a brick wall of a PLD and nice BLU and BLM. RoV Complete. Everything needed for mythics(Duh it has one). Also Aeonic complete so this account has everything unlocked to progress the REMA. +1 Abjuration gear. The mule is a hume M with 99 WAR/WHM/BLM/THF/SCH/GEO with master on WHM and GEO both are adequately geared
This guy is always the best. I've sold multiple (5+) ac..
Very responsive, fast and professional. In an industry ..
In a world full of scammers, Neoex and Accountswappers ..