Elf M 5x 99 DeathP/Fomal Empy+3 NyameR20 su5+2 5/6 legend Malig RoV Rostam Unity+1
Server Xfer is Available
Mercenary Rank: Mercenary Captain! Ready to create mythics!
Bastok Rank: Complete!
Rise of the Zilart: Complete!
Chains of Promathia: Complete!
Treasures of Aht Urhgan: Complete!
Wings of the Goddess: Complete!
Addon: A Crystalline Prophecy: The Echo Awakens
Addon: A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
Addon: A Shantotto Ascension: That Which Curdles Blood
Abyssea: N/A
Seekers of Adoulin: Complete!
Completed Unique Coalitions (Adoulin): 25
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel: Complete!
Value in misc. 500k+ in sellables
Death Penalty AFTERGLOW 119 AG
Fomalhaut i119
Sortie Empyrean +2/+3 JSE Earring
(2) Azimuth Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Mag. Acc.+12, Damage Taken-4%)
(2) Azimuth Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Mag. Acc.+11, Damage Taken-3%)
(2) Bhikku Earring 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+9, Mag. Acc.+9)
Bhikku Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+12, Mag. Acc.+12, "Store Tp"+4)
Boii Earring 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+6, Mag. Acc.+6)
Boii Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+14, Mag. Acc.+14, Crit.Hit Rate+5)
Chas. Culottes +3 i119
Chas. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+13, Mag. Acc.+13, Crit.Hit Rate+4)
Chass. Bottes +3 i119
Chass. Tricorne +3 i119
Chasseur's Frac +3 i119
Chasseur's Gants +3 i119
Ebers Earring 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+6, Mag. Acc.+6)
Ebers Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Damage Taken-3%)
(2) Erilaz Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+12, Mag. Acc.+12, Damage Taken-4%)
(2) Erilaz Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Damage Taken-3%)
Heath. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Weapon Skill Damage +2%)
Kasuga Earring 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+6, Mag. Acc.+6)
Kasuga Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Weapon Skill Damage +2%)
Leth. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+12, Mag. Acc.+12, "Dbl.Atk."+4)
(45) Ra'kaz. Sapphire
(3) Ra'kaz. Starstone
Coiste Bodhar 99 (Path: A) Rank 10
Gleti's Knife i119
Ikenga's Clogs i119
Ikenga's Hat i119
Ikenga's Trousers i119
Information On Arebati
Information On Bumba
Information On Gigelorum
Information On Gogmagog
Information On Kalunga
Information On Ngai
Information On Sgili
Information On Xevioso
Moogle Amp.
Nyame Flanchard i119 (Path: B) Rank 20
Nyame Gauntlets i119
Nyame Helm i119 (Path: B) Rank 20
Nyame Mail i119 (Path: B) Rank 20
Nyame Sollerets i119
Su5+1/2 Weapons Necks Volte
Comm. Charm +2 99 (Path: A) Rank 25
Rostam i119 (Path: C) Rank 25
Volte Spats i119
119 Relic +2/+3
Lanun Bottes +3 i119 (Enhances "Wild Card" Effect)
Lanun Tricorne +2 i119 (Enhances "Winning Streak" Effect)
119 Artifact +2/+3
Laksa. Frac +3 i119
Adad Amulet 99
Anu Torque 99
Dingir Ring 99
Enki Strap 99
Erra Pendant 99
Ilabrat Ring 99
Iskur Gorget 99
Kishar Ring 99
Knobkierrie 99
Nusku Shield i119
(297) P. Cor Card
Regal Cuffs i119
Sherida Earring 99
Utu Grip 99
Yamarang 99
Escha Zi'Tah/Ru'Aun/Reisenjima
Alber Strap 99
Compensator i119
Doyen Pants i119
Eabani Earring 99
Herculean Boots i119
Herculean Gloves i119 (Rng.Acc.+27, Accuracy+29, Accuracy+17 Attack+17)
Herculean Helm i119 (Spell Interruption Rate Down -9%, Accuracy+18, Weapon Skill Damage +7%, Accuracy+18 Attack+18)
Herculean Trousers i119 (Str+13, Weapon Skill Damage +2%, Mag. Acc.+2 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+2)
Pursuer's Pants i119
Reiki Yotai 99
119 Abjuration Gear
Adhemar Jacket +1 i119 (Dex+12, Agi+12, Accuracy+20)
Adhemar Wrist. +1 i119 (Accuracy+20, Attack+20, "Subtle Blow"+8)
Jo.Abjuration: Bd.
(5) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+7, "Dual Wield"+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Camulus's Mantle 99 ("Snapshot"+10)
(5) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Agi+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Agi+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Weapon Skill Damage +10%)
Meg. Chausses +2 i119
Meg. Cuirie +1 i119
Meg. Gloves +2 i119
Meg. Jam. +2 i119
Meghanada Ring 99
Meghanada Visor +2 i119
Naegling i119
Segomo's Mantle 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, "Dbl.Atk."+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
Reforged Artifact/Relic/Emp
Laksa. Trews +1 i119
Lanun Frac +1 i119 (Enhances "Loaded Deck" Effect)
Sinnister Reign
Ishvara Earring 99
Bathy Choker 99
Combuster +1 i119
Demers. Degen +1 i119
Flyssa i119
Loess Barbuta i119
Loricate Torque +1 99
Loxotic Mace i119
Mephitas's Ring 99
Metamorph Ring 99
Sailfi Belt +1 99 (Path: A) Rank 15
Seething Bomblet 99
Tatena. Gote i119
Tatena. Haidate +1 i119 (Path: A) Rank 15
Ternion Dagger i119
Unmoving Collar 99
Other Noteable R/EX
Adoulin's Refuge +1 99
Anarchy +2 90 (Delay:+60, Tp Bonus +1000)
Apkallu Scepter
Archon Ring 90
Brutal Earring 75
Cessance Earring 99
Hachirin-No-Obi 71
Karieyh Ring 99
Luzaf's Ring 40
Malignance Earring 99
Malignance Gloves i119
Malignance Pole i119
Malignance Sword i119
Malignance Tabard i119
Malignance Tights i119
Mollfrith 99
Moonshade Earring 90 (Attack+4, Tp Bonus +250)
(5) Old Case
Per. Lucky Egg 99
Tripudio Earring 99
Bladeborn Earring 99
Dudgeon Earring 99
K'ayres Ring 99
Steelflash Earring 99
Base Artifact/Relic/Emp
Assassin's Armlets 75
Cleric's Bliaut 74
Cleric's Pantaln. 73
Commodore Frac 74
Commodore Gants 72
Scout's Socks 74
Tantra Cyclas 89
A. Vou.: Feet +1
A. Vou.: Hands +1
A. Vou.: Head +1
A. Vou.: Legs +1
(20) Abdhaljs Dust
(5) Abdhaljs Dye
(13) Abdhaljs Fiber
Abdhaljs Metal
(19) Abdhaljs Resin
(20) Abdhaljs Sap
Abdhaljs Seal
(20) Abdhaljs Thread
Carabosse's Gem
Fu's Scale
Isgebind's Heart
Jo.Abjuration: Ft.
Kindred's Seal
(2) Kin's Scale
(5) Kupon I-Seal
Kyou's Scale
(3) Maat's Mix
(2) Mog Pell (Red)
Sp Gobbie Key
Tinnin's Fang
Key Items
Adoulinian Charter Permit
Adventurer's Certificate
Aged Undying Naakual Crest
Airship Pass
Ambuscade Primer Volume One
Ambuscade Primer Volume Two
Archducal Audience Permit
Arciela's Skirt
Arciela's Spare Bonnet
Ashen Stratum Abyssite
Ashrakk's Blood Sigil
Astral Compass
Atma of Calamity
Atma of Gales
Atma of Purgatory
Atma of the Crimson Scale
Atma of the Lone Wolf
Atmacite of Unity
Azure Abyssite of Lenity
Bastok Trust Permit
Battle Trophy: 1st Echelon
Battle Trophy: 2nd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 3rd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 5th Echelon
Bloodied Dragon Ear
Boarding Permit
Brand of Dawn
Brand of Twilight
Bronze Ribbon of Service ?
Brunhilde's Feather
Captain Wildcat Badge
''card Jailer Teodor''
Cerise Seal
Cerulean Crystal
Craggy Fin
Crest of Davoi
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Iv
Dem Gate Crystal
Detached Stinger
Dhokmak's Blood Sigil
Dimensional Compass
Distorted Fragment
Dull Ra'kaznarian Plate
Dusky Periapt of Readiness
Dynamis - Buburimu Sliver
Dynamis - Qufim Sliver
Dynamis - Tavnazia Sliver
Dynamis - Valkurm Sliver
Empty Hourglass
Eschan Cellar
Eschan Nef
Eschan Urn
Fabricated Pearl of Biting Winds
Fabricated Pearl of Impurity
Fabricated Pearl of Miasma
Fabricated Ward of Ashen Wings
Fabricated Ward of Biting Winds
Fabricated Ward of Impurity
Fabricated Ward of Miasma
Fabricated Ward of the False King
Flame-Scarred Skull
Frosted Incisor
Fu’S Bead
Galka Mask of Darkness
Gerhilde's Feather
Gin’S Bead
Gps Crystal
Head Wind Phantom Gem
Heart of the Bushin
Holla Gate Crystal
Hydra Corps Battle Standard
Hydra Corps Command Scepter
Hydra Corps Eyeglass
Hydra Corps Insignia
Hydra Corps Lantern
Hydra Corps Tactical Map
Imperial Missive
Impure Alizarin Yggzi
Impure Aster Yggzi
Impure Celadon Yggzi
Impure Phlox Yggzi
Impure Russet Yggzi
Impure Zaffre Yggzi
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Iv
Information On Mboze
Inky Black Yagudo Feather
Ivory Abyssite of Fortune
Jade Stratum Abyssite Iv
Job Breaker
Job Gesture: Black Mage
Job Gesture: Blue Mage
Job Gesture: Corsair
Job Gesture: Monk
Job Gesture: Ninja
Job Gesture: Ranger
Job Gesture: Red Mage
Job Gesture: Samurai
Job Gesture: Thief
Job Gesture: Warrior
Job Gesture: White Mage
Jugner Gate Crystal
Kei’S Bead
Kin’S Bead
Legion Tome Page: Minimus
Life Float
Limit Breaker
Lunar Abyssite
Magian Trial Log
Malformed Knuckles
Mark of the Einherjar
Mark of Zahak
Maroon Seal
Master Breaker
Mea Gate Crystal
Meriphataud Gate Crystal
Message From Yoyoroon
Mithra Mask of Light
Mnejing's Receiver
Mystical Canteen
Ortlinde's Feather
Pashhow Gate Crystal
Phoenix's Blessing
Piece of Inviolable Bark
Pine Green Seal
Pioneer's Badge
Primary Nazar
Prismatic Fragment
Prismatic Hourglass
Prototype Attuner
Pso'xja Pass
Pure White Feather
Red Card
Relentless Ranger's Soul
Reliquiarium Key
''rhapsody In Azure''
''rhapsody In Crimson''
''rhapsody In Emerald''
''rhapsody In Fuchsia''
''rhapsody In Mauve''
''rhapsody In Ochre''
''rhapsody In Puce''
''rhapsody In Umber''
''rhapsody In White''
Rosulatia's Pome
Runic Disc
Runic Key
Ruspix's Plate
Sajj'aka's Protective Ward
''scintillating Rhapsody''
Semi-Pure Alizarin Yggzi
Semi-Pure Aster Yggzi
Semi-Pure Celadon Yggzi
Semi-Pure Phlox Yggzi
Semi-Pure Russet Yggzi
Semi-Pure Zaffre Yggzi
Sepulcher Ensign
Shard of Apathy
Shard of Arrogance
Shard of Cowardice
Shard of Envy
Shard of Rage
Silver Bell
Silvery Plate
Song of Hope
Sparking Tail Feather
Synergy Crucible
Tarutaru Mask of Darkness
Tear of Altana
Tenshodo Member's Card
Teodor's Blood Sigil
Traverser Stone
Unparalleled Corsair's Shard
Velkk Fetish
Vial of Dream Incense
Vial of Shrouded Sand
Voidwatcher's Emblem: Jeuno
White Sentinel Badge
White Stratum Abyssite
Yagudo Torch
Nyzul Tokens: 53500
Therion Ichor: 64160
Cruor: 419518
Voidstones: 890
Traverser Stones: 844
A.M.A.N. Vouchers Stored: 325
Zeni: 36335
Guild Points (Fishing): 0
Guild Points (Woodworking): 0
Guild Points (Smithing): 0
Guild Points (Goldsmithing): 0
Guild Points (Weaving): 0
Guild Points (Leathercraft): 0
Guild Points (Bonecraft): 0
Guild Points (Alchemy): 0
Guild Points (Cooking): 0
Assault Points (Leujaoam Sanctum): 16509
Assault Points (M.J.T.G.): 14628
Assault Points (Lebros Cavern): 18050
Assault Points (Periqia): 17450
Assault Points (Ilrusi Atoll): 15988
Beastman Seals (stored): 2
Kindred Seals (stored): 68
Kindred Crests (stored): 476
High Kindred Crests (stored): 2245
Sacred Kindred Crests (stored): 7573
Bayld: 1645469
Mweya Plasm Corpuscles: 4755475
Escha Silt: 4570194
Escha Beads: 18009
Potpourri: 100259
Domain Points: 2919
Mog Segments: 28761
Gallimaufry: 57034
Job Points
Trusts (28)
King of Hearts
Zeid II
Lion II
Iron Eater
Prishe II
Nashmeira II
Tenzen II
Lilisette II
Arciela II
Mihli Aliapoh
Iroha II
Coalition Ranks
Pioneer Legend
Courier Legend
Inventor Disciple
Mummer Legend
Peacekeeper Legend
Scout Legend
Escha Vorseal
HP/MP+ 8
Acc/R.Acc/Eva+ 9
Def+ 9
Atk/R.Atk+ 9
M.Acc/M.Eva+ 9
M.Def+ 9
M.Atk+ 9
Occ. Nullifies Damage 3
Killer Effects+ 3
Damage Taken 3
Spoils+ 10
Rare Enemy+ 11
Luck+ 11
Regen+ 1
Refresh+ 2
Accuracy++ 4
tldr& Awesome Elvaan Male Corsair, highly ML'd, Empy armor+3 Death P and Fomal. TP bonus Gun + Naegling. Ambu JSE back pieces. and 5/6 @ legend with the last one Disciple lees than a month for 6/6 Legend on this account. 57k Muffin on hand. Enough Plams for both Ergons ready to go. Perfect little Corsair account that is primed to add a Epeo Run or a Idris Geo to the mix!
extremly profesional, clearly show hes done this multip..
Does great work and be fast because the characters sell..
I have bought and sold 5 times with Neo. It is always a..